These are the books both in Russian and in English that I have read in my life and would recommend to read to other people:
- Игорь Можейко, “Награды”
- Князь Феликс Юсупов. Мемуары
- David Hempleman-Adams, Walking on thin ice
- Вольфганг Бюшер, Берлин – Москва. Пешее путешествие.
- Николай Гоголь, Выбранные места из переписки с друзьями.
- Guillaume Apollinaire, Le pont Mirabeau – Гийом Аполлинер, Mост Мирабо, перевод П. Антокольского
While getting acquainted with some famous personalities of Russia (Soviet Union) I find some nice pieces of recordings in the Internet. Here are the links to some Internet pages (if they are still available):
- Leonid Kogan, violinist
- Mstislav Rostropovich, cellist
- Piano Concerto No. 2 written and performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Op.31 written by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Mark Reizen – Song of the Viking Guest from Sadko
- Mark Reizen on his 90th birthday sings Gremin
Finale music to the movie “That very Munchausen” by Alexei Rybnikov
- Russian folklore musical instrument orchestra named after Nekrasov
- Folklore singer Ludmila Zykina