Saint Basel’s cathedral in Red Square could be visited during the City Tour or independently (0,5 – 2 hours).
This unique masterpiece of the 16th century (1555 – 1561) Russian church architecture has never been destroyed or damaged. Its architectural design was gradually developed within 300 years.
After 1917 the building was taken under the state protection and since 1922 it has been used as a museum. Short high stepped stairway leading up to the 2nd floor will demand from you some “climbing” skills. Brilliant acoustics of the indoor premises was created with the help of clay resonators.

Opened for visitors
22 January – 30 April: 11 am – 5 pm daily
1 May – 31 August: 10 am – 6 pm daily
1 September – 31 October: 11 am – 6 pm daily
1 November – 31 December: 11 am – 5 pm
1st Wednesday of each month is day off
Ticket office is closed 45 min before.
At the temperature lower than -15 degree centigrade – closed earlier.
Entrance fee 1000 rub/person
Children under 16 free
Students 16 year old and older – discount by ISIC
Guiding service additional charge 3500 rub/group (1-15 persons)
Taking photos inside is free (no flash)
Official web page of St Basel’s Cathedral
Professional mail chorus Doros performs daily except when they are on tournee outside of Russia.
Lunch break: summer 2-2:30 pm / the rest of the year 2:30 – 3 pm
April 20, 22, 27, 29 & May 4: 10 am – 2 pm
May 1, 7, 8 & 9 are days off